viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Massive earthquake hits Japan

After the devastating news of the earthquake that has taken place in Japan, I'd like to ask you to have a look at the pictures and make a comment. What do you think about what has happened? What are your feelings about it?

  • You can see the pictures and read the captions in the links I've added below. As we keep on getting more news, I've added new links for you to read and think about. We'll keep talking about it in class, as we've done for the last few days.

Massive earthquake hits Japan - The Big Picture -

22 comentarios:

  1. Seeing all these catastrophic images makes me feel very sad and it's make me think about what is happening in the world. It must be something wrong. We should say "thanks" for not being those people.
    It is very disconcerting to see the horror faces of all those people, to see the destruction in the streets, think of all the people who have suffered ... it's not a nice thing

  2. When I saw the photographs of the destruction in Japan, I was astonished and struck with grief.
    Since I have family in Chile, the country where the earthquake also happened, this catastrophy in Japan reminded me of this incident.
    Sometimes the force of the nature is unpredictable and unstoppable, we have to be aware that something disastrous like this could happen in any moment so we have to be prepared for the worst.
    The photos of giant waves, ruined homes and people without shelter made me think about the death and its inevitability.
    When people face death generally they say that all their life passes in front of their eyes, and they think about the opportunities that they didn't use.
    Therefore, we must spend every moment of our lives as if it were our last. With the people we love, our friends and family.
    I dedicate these words to all the affected people of Japan.

  3. I think those pictures are absolutley frightening and the situation there must be very very bad. Watching the images I can see their grief and concern and it makes me feeling worried, but I think that a country like Japan can overcome the difficulties and continue their lives early and easely.

  4. We all know that Japan is one of the most seismically active areas of the world, and has returned to tremble. A second quake of magnitude 6.6 has shaken the Kyoto region (west), hours after a 6.8 scale earthquake affecting the Niigata area (center).
    I can not express all I feel, to see such images.
    The horror, fear, pain indicated in their faces.
    All I can say is I hope that everything returns to normal soon.

  5. Watching all these shocking images we can see the huge damage that the force of nature can cause in our society. Therefore all these news and images about japan´s earthquake make me feel very sad and worried because the earthquake and the tsunami have killed a lot of people and have destroyed the life of many japanese.
    So,I encourage the japanese to start now to rebuild his country and his lifes.

  6. When I saw the images on the TV I thought that it couldn't be real, it must be a nightmare!
    It's really shocking to see disasters like the one that has taken place in Japan but this feeling it's enhanced when you realise that the catastrophe has happened in such a technologically advanced country and prepared to face these events as is Japan.
    The recordings where the buildings were shaken and the water swept houses were going on in every channel.
    But in my opinion, there is something more amazing than this terrible earthquake, I'm talking about the calm and patient with wich japanesse people has taken in the disaster. If the tsunami had happened in other place, people would have behaved like it were the end of the world, but the idiosyncrasy of this ancient culture make this people not to give up and to face the matter focusing on getting over from the shock and rebuilding their lifes and their country.
    Anyway the most imperative issue right now it's the problem with the nuclear leaks. I hope the breakdowns not to cause a higher damage.
    Heartily, cheer up japanesse population!

  7. This is the information I could glean from the news stories have taken place in Spain on the earthquake

    An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck the coast of Japan on Friday at a depth of about 17 miles below-the earth's surface. Dozens of aftershocks, Some of magnitude 6.0 or greater, Were felt after the quake.

    The tsunami warnings in September off for much of the Pacific basin Including the west coast of the United States and South America. Officials say major waves Have Not Caused Damage in Hawaii and pose no danger flooding in California

    In my opinion it was one of the worst catastrophes have been living in history. Japan remains the country best prepared for this kind of problems I can not imagine how it must be happening all the people of Japan.
    the images I have produced a great panic and fear.
    See everyone running without knowing where to go or what to do, is a state of chaos. Not only for the number of deaths but also by people desperately looking for their missing relatives during the earthquake.
    Also now have not only faced with the problem and try to return to their daily lives but also fear they may suffer some kind of problem in relation to radioactivity and that among the four nuclear reactors are in the earthquake zone have exploited.
    It is a terrible thing and hopefully with the help of different political and humanitarian organizations to return to normal as far as possible .

  8. when I saw on the news this tragedy I felt powerless to do anything to remedy what was happening. It is incredible the destructive power that has the water and the effects it can cause to a city. The images I've seen are all very impressive, but the picture number 4 is what makes me think ... makes me think of how you can change lives when a tidal wave destroys your home, your family, friends, etc. the rest of the pictures have made me feel so small .. for example the photo number 5, they seem to toy cars and planes but if you look a little better you can see is a mass of destroyed houses and cars and planes transported by water .
    I hope things get better soon and here, I fully support to Japan

  9. I remember the first time I heard about the catastrophe. It was on Friday morning, and I was sitting in the police station´s waiting room. In order I am peruvian, one of my best friends from Peru wrote me a messagge telling me a tsunami was going to hit Peru. Later on she explained me that tsunami was caused by a huge quake in Japan.
    Last summer I had the opportunity to spend a summer in Canada. My host family had two students with them: me and another Japanese girl called Mami.
    As soon as I took in the news, I wrote her by facebook asking her if she was ok. Luckily her city was not affected.
    Well I should say I am speechless on this kind of events. It is an issue we cannot aboid, a matter of nature, but we can act to struggle it. My only reflection on this is that we are all human beings and we should respond as one single nation, supporting each other. Physical borders are products of our imagination and it would seem that those of us who live in this world will be faced with many challenges, so best that those challenges find us united. Let´s do something for the sake of others, because a trivial little stuff for us could mean a huge help for them!
    So, all the best to Japan and to my dear roommate!

  10. I was really shocked when I first heard the news about the earthquake and the tsunami.

    When I saw the images on the news, I couldnt believe it, the earthquake was huge but the tsunami was just too much. I mean, Japan is used to being hit by quakes, and despite the 8.9 magnitude, it handle the quake very good, but the tsunami simply burried whole citys under water. Thanks to its security measures against earthquakes,most buildings withstood the tremor, I dont want to imagine what would have happened if it had hit a country like Spain, half of our cities would have been reduced to ashes.

    They also have problems in some of their nuclear plants, and are starting to talk about the posibility of fusion happening in one of the reactors.

    Thank God Japan is a serious and calm country. I really think they'll recover soon form this tragedy.

  11. Oh my god!! I can only say that those images are really shocking. Is not fair what has happened to the Japanese people, they have lost all they had, the earthquake has been really big but the tsunami has destroyed everything and they have only left a desolated landscape
    when I watch this in the news I couldn’t believe it because it was too much and I only hope that these poor people receive all the possible help and the can have again their lives.
    I think that we should be more gracefully because we live in a country where tsunamis and quakes can´t arrive and destroy all our possessions and our houses. We must do something to stop all these catastrophes, to start we must care our planet

  12. I was totally shocked when I heard of this new. I could never imagine something like that would happen. Video footage and photographs shows us the unfolding catastrophe that took place in Japan last Friday…
    I have no words to describe my feelings, I’m absolutely concerned about Japanese people.
    Sometimes we aren’t able to control the nature, which causes terrifying disasters. Thousands of Japanese are dying and everything is being destroyed, despite the huge resistance of buildings there.
    I really look up to the way Japanese society is taking the catastrophe in. As I see, their strong power is being shown all over the world, but unfortunately, in a sad way. I hope it doesn’t take them a long time to recover from this tragedy.

  13. Like every of my classmates I'm desolate, is terrible that the japanese people be destroyed.
    Is terrible to see the catastrophe and cannot doing anything.
    And not only concern the earthquake and tsunami that has taken thousands of lives, also with the nuclear explosions and the high risk of radiation there there are a hopefully not be another Chernobyl.
    Fortunately, is a country more accustomed to earthquakes and surprisingly calm and serenity that show all the Japanese.
    I just hope that help and food, medicines.. arrive and that the other countries collaborate to save a part of both the world as our.

  14. When I saw the news on the tv the day when that happened I thought that they were terrible and overwhelming. The japanese people were afraid even though they are used to this kind of natural disasters. But the earthquake of the last week was very strong and not even the prepared Japanese buildings could resist the tsunami.
    The worst part is that this catastrophe is getting worse because the nuclear plants have been affected. They are having leaks and the japanese goverment said that they cannot resolve the problem in a near future. I don't know how this is going to end but it seems that there is not a solution for this for now, so let’s hope that the scientist find a solution to stop the nuclear polution.

  15. The photos are totally shocking, as the images on tv but i think when a catastrophe like this happends,as the one in haiti,we don't really know what is going on, we are all shocked listening to the bad news on the radio or lying on the sofa staring at the television seeing the pictures and videos of lots of people that have lost their houses,people going out from the debrits, children that can't find someone they know, desperate people looking for their relatives or just not seeing anything alive, we feel frustated and really really sad but, if we feel that emotions millions of kilometers away, how should be all that people when they haven't got time to thank God they are alive because they have to curse him for losing everything they had? Personally i can't imagine that situation, it makes me feel like i can't do anything against the natureand i feeel totally unprotected because in just a few hours and without warning anyone it can destroy everything, we all are exposed to the strongest weapon and we can't do anything to avoid it.

    Anyway it isn't only the earthquake or the tsunami, which caused all the disaster. Because of them, there have been more accidents like huge cracks on the pavement and on the routes, the explosion of some of the nuclear reactors and the warning of a nuclear fusion that is provoking a lot of radioaction which will carry much more deaths.

    I really admire all the soldiers and the volunteers who are helping moving the debris and trying to find survivors, never losing their hope or trying not to show the others if they have lost it. Also I think it is very admirable from other countries the solidarity that they are supporting all this people with because even if japan is one of the most developped country, they need it now that they are living an extremly hard situation.

  16. this morning in the news, I heard a professor of physics at the University of Alcala de Henares who said that there was no possibility that there were not a core meltdown in one reactor, that the measures used by the government (pour water over it) were desperate and would be useless, which would have to increase the security perimeter of 80 km and that within two or three days it would produce a core meltdown. Says they could have a miracle, but he believes that's what will happen in a few days.
    It is a terrible catastrophe and I feel quite bad about seeing the news sitting in my home knowing that there are people who have died or are about to die. I sincerely hope that this merger won't produce and that within a short time the situation returns to be the same as before.

  17. When i saw these pictures for the firts time in the tv , i felt shocked beacause of the way a
    tsunami produced by an earthquake can drestoy lot of lives and homes.
    Japan is used to suffer earthquakes and some little shakes of the earth. Japanese are calmed face to these situations,then japan is the most prepared country in the world to prevent the consequences of an earthquake. Although Japan is prepared for this naturals catastrophes, this time was too strong. The notrh-east coast of japan have been completly devastated by the water. We can see the pain and the bad feelings reflected on japanese's faces at the pictures.
    We just have to think about how lucky we are by not be affected by naturals disasters like that and wish the situation of japan will improve soon.

  18. There are not words to describe what is passing in Japan.
    the horrible pictures that we see on the TV make me feel bad and want to do somethig, but I don't know what.
    On the one hand Japan's people are very prepared to afront this kind of situation, and this is admirable.
    But on the other hand is very saddly see how somebody try to make some profit, like sending a travel's ticket at 5.000 euro.

    Teacher,later, but better than never

  19. When I heard the news that Friday I was overwhelmed by the disaster that had taken place in Japan.
    I was shocked to see how from one moment to another can change everything without even realisiing it and get to the chaos.
    Seeing what happened we can see that the force of nature is incredible and so unpredictability that it can become a natural disasters.
    I could not express what I felt when I saw those pictures that scare me because they are full of panic, horror, disaster ...
    The earthquake had not only caused the destruction, but also many deaths and missing persons increased by the minute.
    I just hope that everything returns to normal as soon as possible.

  20. I think the disaster in Japan has been an immense human tragedy, have lost thousands of innocent lives, the worst of all this mess is that you continue to find bodies under the rubble. The poor Japanese were one of the largest earthquakes in history, I think they are strong and workers and they can get ahead of this natural disaster. The truth is that lately it seems that Mother Nature is angry with humans because it is leading many catastrophes of which the human can not defend themselves.

  21. First time I saw a Japanese shore photo after the earthquake I wanted to cry.
    However am not going to talk about how catastrophic this earthquake has been, but I will like to point out Japanese behaviour. The day after the catastrophe all the Japanese people, who could go to work they went. There were no robberies and people remained calm every moment. They waited long queues just to to have something to drink and if they are strong enough they help in cleaning and looking for survivors.
    I think we have to learn a lot about Japanese people.

  22. Several days ago is not spoken of the disaster that took place in Japan on March 11, but thousands of people still missing and many others have lost everything, their loved ones, their material goods and ultimately their former lives. This news has shocked me much and makes me feel unprotected and vulnerable to the destructive power of nature, because sometimes we can not do anything to prevent such catastrophes.

    On the other hand, the tsunami has been a clear example of the lack of security of nuclear energy. In a country like Japan with constant threats of earthquakes and tsunamis are built nuclear power plants on the coast and some of them are not prepared to withstand these disasters. Have shown the many security failures in the design of nuclear power plants and in my opinion we are not being fully informed of the dangers of this type of energy.
