lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Asher B. Durand Exhibition

Today we've visited the exhibition: "The American Landscapes of Asher B. Durand" in Fundación Juan March.
Here is the link to the English version of the visit.
I'm looking forward to receiving your comments.

The American Landscapes of Asher B. Durand

16 comentarios:

  1. The paiting I am going to talk about is named as "Black mountain, From the Harbor Island, Lake George".

    The painting is a landscape, using pale colours as green, white and light brown. In the foreground, we can appreciate a huge lake, which is surrounded by several islands beside it. In the lake there are two boats transporting people to the island, where there are workers cutting down trees. In the background there are mountains and hills, and the colour starts to shade off. We can see different blue shades as well.

    The guide said this kind of landscapes are pretty common in Durand´s work. In order he was risen in NYC, he used to paint lots of lands on that area of the country. The painting communicates to me peace and quiet.

  2. The painting I've chosen is called "Group of trees", by Asher B. Durand.

    It's a landscape. At the bottom of the canvas we can see some old trees lying torn off and broken, in contrast with the tall and strong trees which seem to be calling you to offer their protection.

    At the right and left sides we can find the long trees as I said before, which caused an impact on me, with their gradual tones of green from light to bright, dark and even dull green.

    On the left part you can notice the light reflecting in the trunk of the trees.

    We can not forget the sky, always blue and giving the light to the landscape.

    I think it’s absolutely brilliant. It makes me feel relaxed and also makes me want to walk through that forest among the calmed and embracing trees.

    The guide said that this was one of Durand’s best “tree-paintings” and I must say that I’ll never forget it!

    Sandra Bermejo

  3. I'm going to describe a landscape called "Getting light", "Clareando".

    We can see the evolution of a storm which is in its final phase. The leading colour is green, mainly pale, light and bright green.

    On the back ground we can see several mountains which have each own forests. The sky is cloudy and the clouds are grey.
    In the middle of the painting there is a lake that separates the mountains from the foreground forests.
    On the foreground there are a few dull green pines.
    In the middle of the forest we can see a small river with a fisherman.

    I think that the most important feature of Duran is that he pays so much attention to the details of the trees.

    I quite like it because it makes me feel relaxed and calm. I specially like the way he treats the details of the natural life.

    Diana Villar

  4. I`m going to describe a landscape called "River on the mountain", "Arroyo en el monte".

    In the background you can see the mountains wiht light colour,on the sides there are a lot of trees with different shades of dull green, in the middle of landscape there is a small river.

    The landscape is very beautiful!

    It make me feel a fusion of loneliness and hope.

  5. The painting that I´ve chosen is Paisaje de la montaña by Durand. It is painted with watercolours and it shows a scene from the nature, when it hadn´t been touched by the human hand. On the background there are some mountains painted in dull colours. Also there is a forest with a lot of green trees and grey rocks. In the middle of the landscape there is a big and beautiful lake and there is a boat floating on it. Near the shore there are more trees painted in dark colours. On the foreground there are some animals like nanny goats and cows grazing the wet grass. The big and tall trees cover with their shadows the floor and there is a misterious path that you feel it has to be walked.
    This landscape is really beautiful and it makes me feel relaxed and calmed, but also it appeals to me a lot because I´d like to introduce myself on it. It´s really good because although you can´t see all the landscape represented, you can imagine the rest of it; the beauty, the mistery, the adventure and the magic that this incredible artist has wanted to transmit me.
    The guide said that this is one of the most beautiful and exciting painting that Durand has painted and I´m totally agreed with her!

  6. The Stranded

    The picture I'm going to talk about is 'The Stranded'.

    This painting shows a seascape after a storm.

    On the foreground we can see some remains from a ship like a barrel, a rowing and wooden pieces.
    On the background there is a ship ran aground which is about to sink.

    The colours are bright in the centre of the picture and dull in the ends.

    The artist uses pastel shades and he can make the painting to look like a photo because of its realism.

    I quite like it this work becuse represents the unrest of a storm and the hope from a new sunrise.

  7. The title of the picture is: "Group of trees".
    It's a landscape and the highlight colour is bright green.
    In the front of the picture you can see a fallen tree and many trees that seem that they are about to fall too.

    In one hand it makes me feel insecure & did not inspire confidence because it seems all the trees are falling down & a way which seems that not inspire you to continue in that forest.
    But in the other hand it seems a perfect place to be with oneself & your thougts 'cause is guarded & maybe is the perfect place to be protected and thinking in your own things.

  8. My picture calls "Black mountain, From the Harbor Island, Lake George".
    This picture it's my election because I like the landscape.
    In the foreground you can see the tree, and the tree it's the main character in the picture.
    At the background there are a lake with mountains behind.

    The colors of the picture are dull, it hasn't got bright colors.
    This is a boried landscape, it make me fell nothing, I really don't like the picture, I think that hasn't got life.
    I prefer another artists, with another styles.

  9. Thank you Saray, David and Marta for your comments.

  10. I choose the picture of the portrait of Durand, the first picture we saw in the museum.
    Thought it looks like a self-portrait, he didn´t paint himself.
    In the picture the artist wear some similar as a black suit.
    His hair is dark brown and the face of the artist looks too young.
    The portrait has a dull landscape and his face is quite pale but light and it makes that the person doesn´t look so dull as the landscape.
    I like it because I was surprised that the artist likes so young and is very curious than he had painted a lot of pictures being so young.

  11. The picture that I have chosen is called “Landscape of the White Mountains”; and is pained by Asher B. Durand. The picture is a landscape, like most of his other paintings.
    The painting is very realistic and shows very well the depth of the landscape and the details.
    We can divide the picture in three planes of depth,
    the first one which is nearest to us is formed by a pair of trees not too dense which lie in a small hill that finish a little high ground where we can see some cows and a couple of people.
    The second plane is a river which is in the right part of the picture, surrounded by a lot of trees forming little pieces of ground along the river, and an extensive country full of trees also that leads to the third level of depth.
    The third plane, in the background of the picture, where you can see the horizon, there is a chain of mountains, divided in two parts by a valley.
    As you look up the mountain you can see a partly cloudy sky with dull colors that goes from the top of the background to the top of the first plane.
    At these levels of depth you can see a gradual change of colors in the foreground with bright colours and the background with dull colours.
    To end, I have to say that I have chosen this picture because it seems to me very realistic and I liked that shows very well that landscape so little urbanized environment in the United States then and the high contrast of the different parts of the picture.

  12. hello everybody¡¡¡

    The picture that i have chosen is called Sunset: Memories of Aridondacks. I chose this picture because it has attracted much attention to the landscapes.

    In the main part of the picture we can see the contrast between the forest where Durand used darks colors with contrasting colors that he used for the inner part of the picture in wich painred the sunset reflecting in the lake water an in wich colors used.

    When i look at this picture i feel a sense of absolute freedom and i would love to see a sunset like that. I think it´s one of the most beautiful landscapes i´´ve seen in my life and one of the best pictures by Durand.

    I think that his work is very extraordinay because he is very patience to draw each detail of all of each pictures.

    I hope you like my description

    bye bye see you tomorrow¡¡¡
