domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Images from the volcano

Have a look at these images from the volcano Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland and read the story. There are 35 amazing pictures.
More from Eyjafjallajokull

19 comentarios:

  1. Oh my god teacher..
    my favourite picture it's the first one!
    It's incredible, really amazing!
    The lights, the outlines, the impression.. I haven't got words for describe this picture.
    The proximity of the purest cold with the intense heat from the center of the earth.
    How dangerous it can be its own world in which we live, without realizing.
    I love this picture

  2. wauuu!
    This is a true natural disaster and is awful.
    The photography that impressed me was the number 19!
    Is a vast cloud looks like a mouth that is going to swallow everything in its path :O
    In this volcano we can see pushes up tons of debris and ash, they all collide with each other and create static electricity. The sparks are these charges being released and grounded.
    Leaves me speechless!!
    This picture is .... incredible

  3. Well done, girls. Thanks for your comments. You've made an effort I really appreciate.

  4. Wow!!

    They are pretty stunnig!
    Well, my favourite one is number 2. Because of its beauty, and also because it seems they are 2 different pictures, in one hand the clouds and in the other hand the houses and the town. I Think the mixture among the houses´s colours and the blue sky is amazing!

    Iceland should be such a precious country...

  5. The photos are amazing!.
    Nature is very powerful.I like the first photo and the last three, there is a fantastic contrast between the dark sky and the light from the lava and lightning.
    My favorite photo is the eight. It featured a huge waterfall, caused by the melting of the glacier is at the top of the volcano. Are also a man who looks tiny and next to a beautiful rainbow appears. The man is so small compared to nature. We must let nature take its course, it alone is able to fix what it destroys. It's the natural cycle.

  6. They're incredible!
    The first one seems retouched.
    I think the Earth wants to give us a warning.
    The images make you feel insignificant and vulnerable.
    These rays can't be true!
    My favourite one it's the first, I think it's shocking, I wouldn't have like stay there at that moment.
    The colours are not common and they contrast with the sky and the snowed mountains.
    Once again reality surpass fiction.

  7. The photos are amazing,really beautiful !
    I can't choose between all photos,I like all.
    Two of my favorites are the number 1,2 and 20,
    the number 1 by their lights, intensity ...
    the number 2,I think as Silvana,it seems they are 2 different pictures.
    and the number 20 in my opinion, the car that goes to the clouds,it seems that goes to another dimension.

    The nature is really fantastic and dangerous!

  8. The true teacher is that I can´t choose a single photograph or speak only one because all are amazing. For example the first picture seemed out of the movie Star Wars with cough those rays coming out of the volcano. The photos that came the horses were awesome as well. And another photo that I really liked was the 13th with the wonderful sunset in Switzerland.
    It must be horrible living in Iceland right now because people can not breathe fresh air and
    everyone has to wear masks because it has poor little above the volcano erupt again, but well impressive, I can only say that the photos are impressive.

  9. The photos are really impressive teacher!!
    The photo that most caught my attention is the number 8
    I love the contrast between the waterfall and the rainbow in the photo can see the size of a man I respect the waterfall is really small this picture is beatiful.
    Is impressive to see such images as beautiful.
    The nature has many mysteries is really incredible.


  10. All the photos are amazing!the volcano pictures are imressive! But I love the picture 13..the sun sets relax me and when I travel to the other countries I take pictures of the sun sets because I love colours in this picture are really beautiful and have a perfect perspective.The sun gives light effects to water and shine.I want to travel to lake geneva to take a picture of a sunset, its really pretty.I have to say that the photos of the volcano have impressed me, how is it possible that nature can create something? It`s really AMAZING!! but I'm a little scared jajaja

  11. You are all making really good comments, keep working like this. Brilliant!

  12. All photos are fantastic!But I have to choose, I choose the number 8 and 13.I like the number 8 to the effect that make the colors of the rainbow over the waterfall and also from the perspective of the man, who is so small compared to the waterfall.Photo number 13 I like the reflection that makes the sun on water.
    Actually, the photos are all stunning!!

  13. I think that all the photos are amazing!But the number one it's incredible the picture has a special light and for me the prespective is perfect and difficult to take a photo there... it's difficult to describes because I think that it's incredible. When I saw the photo I feel a scaring because I thnk that the nature it's dangerous.
    I don't knew that tha nature has this things. But the true is that all the picture are special and all are really nice.

    Teacher the pictures are fantastics.

  14. I can´t choose one of them but my favourites are 1,13,32,33,34,35.The first was really incredible, the number 13 well I´ve never seen the sky like this, but I really like the photo number 32 because was the only photo where the lava have been shown more detailed and the last three:first because the only cause of the phenomenons are created by nature and not the human(I haven´t word to describe) and second the guy who takes this photos was very close to the volcano.

    All the photos are really good.

    Yasmín Díaz Blázquez.

  15. teacher! the best is the first photo
    is very well done and the lights of the rays seems that what you are looking in person
    and then to be in the dark gives feeling of fear.
    I love this photo teacher.
    Although all photos are very well.

    Laura Pinto Díaz

  16. teacher images are amazing, I especially enjoyed was that of the waterfall, because it seems amazing that there are still places so spectacular and so paradisiacosXD

  17. de parte de alba:
    all of them are fantastic!In fact, I think the volcano is a important problem for the farmers. They′ve to save their cattle, and should to be very hard to see how your animals (your money...) are pushing by the volcano, a natural disaster that you can't solve.
    It's wonderfull to see like they try to move the cattle, overcome the volcano beyond the toxic ash, the wind, the dust...
    I think that the photo, apart for represent the natural disaster, try to show that people's very hard situation.

  18. ANDREA:
    This pisctures are amazing but make me feel small and helpless. They are very frightening. Usually we din't think of natural hazards, but really a natural disaster can cause more damage than many other thingsThe photos are spectacular and very beautiful, because we show the destructive force that has the nature of a shocking way. It makes me think that this small volcano to a standstill for millions of people who could not go home or do their job. I think they are beautiful pictures and horrible at the same time ..
