jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Reported Speech. Explanation.

These are the explanations on how to report statements , questions and commands.
Once you've revised the grammar, you can start doing the exercises that you'll find in the entry that follows this one.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Reported speech

Reporting Verbs
Reporting verbs exercise 2
Statements. Exercise 1
Statements. Exercise 2
Statements. Exercise 3
Statements. Exercise 4
Questions. Exercise 1
Questions. Exercise 2
Questions. Exercise 3
Questions. Exercise 4
Questions. Exercise 5
Requests. Exercise 1
Requests. Exercise 1
Requests. Exercise 1
Mixed exercises. 1
Mixed exercises. 2
Mixed exercises. 3

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

David Cameron appointed Prime Minister

Watch and listen to David's Cameron acceptance speech. You can have a look at London at dusk as well. It's a beautiful sight. You can read transcript of the speech in the first "comentario"

watch the video

James Morrison

Here is the video from today's song.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Images from the volcano

Have a look at these images from the volcano Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland and read the story. There are 35 amazing pictures.
More from Eyjafjallajokull